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How to Keep a Dream Journal


Keeping a dream journal is without doubt becoming one of my favourite self-discovery activities ♥︎ Here are some of my favourite tips on what (and how) to write in your dream journal, just in case you're struggling to get started:

1. Keep your journal entries short, sweet, and intuitive.

Dream memories don't seem to stick around for long and they rarely seem to be linear either, so don't worry about proper sentences (hello, overthinkers ♥︎). Lists, quick notes, and drawings all feature in my dream journal, alongside more elaborate descriptions when I have time, or when I've had a particularly vivid dream.

2. Write in the first person.

I think I first learned this when reading Night Vision by Theresa Cheung, and it wasn't until I started doing this that I understood how much this simple adjustment can help with remembering little details that might have otherwise been left behind like forgotten treasure.

3. Write something in your journal even if you don't remember your dreams.

This is thought to send a message to your subconscious that you want to remember and engage with your dreams. When I began regularly keeping a dream journal, simple reflections on how I slept, or noting that I didn't remember my dreams were a common occurence. However, by simply paying attention, my dream memory seems to have strengthened and I am able to remember my dreams almost daily!

A zine about dreams leaning against some foliage.

I learned so much from putting together the Dreams issue of The Stardust Post, and as well as documenting my own exploration of my dreams as part of the issue, I learned a great deal through my interviews with hypnotherapist and lucid dream coach Leah Larwood (The Moon Lab), and Lucy Scott (Lucy Scott Illustration).

Purchase your copy here ♥︎

A pixellated sky featuring the words 'how to keep a dream journal'.