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Alternative Valentine’s Day ideas

If you fancy doing something new this Valentine’s Day (or any other day, for that matter) here are my favourite alternative ways to celebrate bonds of all kinds, whether you’re spending time with others, or nurturing your relationship with yourself.

Explore your birth chart

I’m sure I saw the hashtag #birthchartsandchill somewhere (haha) and I genuinely think this would make the perfect Netflix alternative. Tap your details into a free online birth chart generator, and print out a copy of each of your birth charts. The list below the chart will tell you your zodiac placements, and a simple Google search for ‘moon in Pisces’ or ‘Jupiter in the 9th house’ will bring up some fascinating and insightful info about you and your character. This is bound to prompt lots of emotionally nourishing discussion and self discovery for you both over a cuppa or glass of wine. Add candles and stargazing for celestial vibes.

Go moon bathing 

We’ll be under a waning gibbous moon on February 14th this year, but this will still give off enough lovely magical moonlight to make it an optimal time for some moon bathing. This is the practice of soaking up the moon’s energies, which are believed to bring our biological systems, moods and emotions into harmony. So, if it’s a clear-ish night, banish technology for an hour or so and give one another - or yourself - your undivided attention by going for a moonlit walk. (The less street lights the better for this one..!)

Love letters | 101 things

Okay, so this doesn’t have to be anywhere near as soppy as it sounds, and can in fact be as silly, sarcastic or sweet as you want to make it! Challenge yourselves to come up with 101 things you love about each other. Write them down, and give them to each other to treasure. They make a great pick-me-up to look back at later in the year when you’re feeling less than lovely, and if you don’t want to do this together, it makes an inexpensive but super meaningful Valentine’s gift, too. If you’re spending the evening alone, see if you can come up with 101 things you love about yourself. This might feel immodest or difficult or selfish, but I promise it isn’t, and is in fact an excellent way to practise self care, build confidence, and remind yourself to be your own best friend.

Have fun! Lots of love X