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3 Self-Care Ideas for Leo Zodiac Sign

Are you looking for a zodiac inspired self-care routine? Here are some of my favourite personal growth ideas for anyone with a Leo star sign, or strong Leo zodiac placements…Or simply for all the signs to explore during Leo season!

Image shows the profile of a lion surrounded by star and zodiac graphics, and reads 'Leo self care'.

1. Practise staying present.

Leo likes to be in control! But the truth is, you simply can’t control everything. Once you’ve done what you can, it’s in the hands of the universe. Learn to be okay with that by practising mindfulness to help you feel grounded, and to let go of the things beyond your control. Try mindfulness meditation, breath work, spending time in nature, or simply spending an hour/evening/day free from technology.

2. Explore who you really are.

Leo can sometimes lose itself behind drama and a need for recognition from others, which can be really exhausting. Honour your heart and soul by reflecting on who you truly are. Take a notebook and pen and ask yourself the question: Who am I, really? Just write - don’t over-think it, and don’t censor yourself. The method of free writing can be really handy here: set a timer and write without stopping, not worrying about spelling or proper sentences…or even making sense. Let it be a stream of consciousness flowing through your pen, and when the timer runs out, read through what you have written. Read between the lines and see what little treasures (and perhaps epiphanies) arise.

3. Celebrate what makes you (and others) shine.

Leo lives from the heart…so celebrate what it is that you appreciate to fuel and stoke your inner fire! Building a gratitude practice can be as simple as writing a daily list of 5 things, situations or people you’re grateful for, and is a great way to exercise Leo’s natural affinity for seeing the value and potential in others, too. Despite this skill, Leo placements do prefer to be centre stage, and tend to feel an overpowering need for reassurance and appreciation from others. But when you’re not feeling seen and your confidence is waning, you can totally generate these feelings for yourself! So, why not take your gratitude practise a little further and make your journal your audience - write down what you love, value and appreciate about yourself. The longer the list, the more nurtured and joyful your heart will feel…and you’ll feel less threatened by the success of others too, because you’ll truly value your very own brilliance :)
